The last 5 months have been such a haze, I still feel like I'm living in 2009, seriously, time goes by soo fast. I'm so excited to embark on this new journey in my life, I know its going to be hard and I'm probably going to freakin cry all the time lol, but at the end of the day, life is what you make it, and I see my life and being freakin awesome! Yeah I might not have the perfect little family anymore, but honestly, I would rather be single for the rest of my life than be married to the wrong person. I fell like all the experiences I have had these last couple years weather good or bad, have all taught me great and valuable lessons that I have gained experince and maturity from.

Brooklyn is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Is being a single, 22 year old mommy hard? Ummm. Hello, of course it is, sometimes I wonder, who acts more mature? Me?.. Or Brooklyn? lol JK but serioualy! Being a mommy in general is a huge responsibility.
We have our moments where she wants to punch me in the face and I want to put her in time out,lol, but at the end of the day I feel so blessed that the lord thought I was worthy of raising one of his special spirits in these crazy times. I love my lil B Shizzle and our life together and I hope she gets everything she deserves to have and more in this life. I'm so excited to start out our journey together, just me and B! I can't wait for what the future throws our way!